

Dermaplaning services offered in Norwell, MA

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Dermaplaning is a popular skin care procedure that can transform your complexion, leaving it smoother, brighter, and more youthful-looking. At Civita Skincare, licensed esthetician Sophia Stearns offers dermaplaning to give you unforgettable, radiant skin. To learn more about how this treatment can enhance your appearance, call the practice in Norwell, Massachusetts, or book an appointment online today.

Dermaplaning Q&A

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a noninvasive exfoliation technique that gives your skin a fresh appearance.

To perform the treatment, your Civita Skincare practitioner uses a surgical scalpel to gently scrape away the top layer of dead skin cells and fine vellus hair (commonly known as peach fuzz) from your face. The process is painless and provides instant gratification, leaving your skin feeling incredibly soft and looking radiant.

What issues can dermaplaning address?

Dermaplaning is a versatile treatment that can address a variety of common skin concerns, including:

  • Dull skin (removes the outermost layer of dead skin cells, instantly brightening your complexion)
  • Peach fuzz (eliminates the fine, light-colored facial hair that can cause makeup application to appear less smooth and even)
  • Fine lines and wrinkles (makes your skin appear smoother and more youthful)
  • Uneven skin texture (evens out rough or bumpy skin)
  • Product absorption (allows skin care products to penetrate more deeply, increasing their effectiveness)

During your evaluation, your skin care specialist examines your skin and explains the benefits of dermaplaning for your needs and aesthetic desires.

How does dermaplaning work?

Your Civita Skincare trained professional begins your treatment by cleansing your face. Next, they use a sterile scalpel to gently glide over your skin at a 45-degree angle, removing the dead skin cells and peach fuzz. 

The process takes about 30-45 minutes and is painless, often likened to the sensation of gently scraping a credit card against your skin.

How often should I schedule dermaplaning appointments?

The frequency of dermaplaning depends on your skin’s needs and your personal goals. Many people choose to have it done every 4-6 weeks, as this is the typical time frame for the skin to regenerate. However, if you have specific concerns or are looking to maintain a smoother complexion, your Civita Skincare professional can provide personalized recommendations.

Dermaplaning is a highly effective exfoliation method that can address various skin concerns, leaving you with a refreshed and revitalized complexion. The painless and quick procedure allows you to enjoy the benefits of smoother, more radiant skin. 

Book a free consultation with Sophia at Civita Skincare to determine the best dermaplaning schedule for your unique needs. Call or use the online booking tool today.