
Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels services offered in Norwell, MA

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Chemical Peels

What if you could peel away the top layer of your skin — where the cells are the oldest and most damaged — to reveal radiant, smooth skin underneath? With chemical peels at Civita Skincare, you can. Licensed esthetician Sophia Stearns helps your skin look its best with this personalized treatment. If you’re curious about how chemical peels can help you reach your aesthetic goals, call the Norwell, Massachusetts office or book an appointment online.

Chemical Peels Q&A

What is a chemical peel?

A chemical peel is a noninvasive procedure that uses different chemical solutions to help remove the upper layers of damaged skin, revealing new skin and stimulating the body's natural production of collagen for continued improvement.

Chemical peels can be used on the face, back, chest, neck, and hands. Peels can vary from mild to deep, depending on the formulation used and how long the solution is left on your skin. Different peel depths are used to treat different conditions.

What conditions do chemical peels treat?

Sophia customizes the solution and the depth of your peel based on your skincare goals and preferences. As a result, she uses chemical peels to address various skin concerns, including:

  • Acne
  • Melasma
  • Age spots
  • Acne scars and other scars
  • Irregular pigmentation, including freckles
  • Roughness and other textural problems
  • Sun damage
  • Fine lines and wrinkles

What happens during a chemical peel?

After cleaning your skin, a topical anesthetic may be applied to reduce discomfort. The chemical solution is then applied to the skin and left on for a specific period based on your needs and whether you're having a mild, moderate, or deep peel. You may feel a mild tingling or stinging sensation while the solution is on your skin. Once the time limit is reached, the peel is neutralized and rinsed away with water. 

Depending on the depth of your peel, a soothing ointment may be applied to reduce discomfort and protect your skin. Sophia will provide you with complete instructions on how to care for your skin to protect it while new skin forms.

What should I expect after the treatment?

After your treatment, your skin will be red and possibly swollen. A few days later, your skin will start to peel and flake. You'll need to apply moisturizer and sunscreen as directed. In most cases, you can resume your regular activities immediately following your peel. Sophia will let you know when it's OK to wear makeup.

Are you interested in how chemical peels can transform your skin? Schedule an appointment today by calling the office or reaching out online. Sophia is happy to answer any questions you may have before your treatment.